Constructive Analytics, LLC
Constructive Analytics, LLC

Unique Investigative and Analytic Services

As active Law Enforcement Investigators, Constructive Analytics offers the following services:


Interpreting Call Detail Records (CDR)

Making reliable and accurate interpretations from telecommunications records requires in-depth understanding and experience. Our team of Law Enforcement experts understand every aspect of complex carrier provided records and can interpret, plot, or provide expert testimony in criminal or civil cases.


Cellular Device Tracking

Constructive Analytics has developed Harpinger PLT, a proprietary software application for tracking cellular devices pursuant to a court order.  Harpinger can extend the capabilities of your pen register to the next level by offering geo zone alerts, unlimited ping recipients, timed digests, advanced field mapping, and data collation on the fly.  Much more economical than expensive GIS packages, Harpinger PLT is the answer for investigators who handle ongoing cellular tracking cases.


Additional services

  • Custom Application development
  • Spreadsheet analysis
  • Courtroom preparation


Constructive Analytics is a Micro Independent Software Vendor specializing in public safety applications and Investigative Activities.


Constructive Analytics

1 920 350 8777

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